The LA Convention Center, cite of E3
03'. It was here that I became world-renowned for my ability to grab as
much free stuff as possible.
E3 had lots of "unique" individuals. The following are some of the
folks who get paid (or at least one would hope) to get dressed up and
show off their pride in their games. I took pictures only of the
most amusing (to me anyway) "artists."

The Hulk gets ready to bang some heads together.
I wasn't the only Green stud in the
building. The Hulk was there as well. Here you see him getting ready to
smash these two poor souls silly.

This guy is:
d)All of the above
I was born in Dusseldorf/ And that is
why they call me Rolfe!
Don't be stupid, be a smarty/ Come and join the Nazi party!

Her Helga. Her fierce woman. Hagar
would be proud.

Knight in Scanty Armor
I don't know what game this was for.
And I don't really care. I just wish I had a bunch of those magnetic
letters of the alphabet. THAT would have been much more fun.