
This one just baffles me because it's in the LA public library. What DO
THEY DO in their libraries that requires them to have explosive gas or
this warning?!??!

Yes, I knew parking would be expensive, but this is ridiculous....60
bucks!?!?! And as you can tell they even had an $80 sign printed up!
For $60 your family should be able to park at the Staples Center for at
least the next three

That's right - another zany LA public library sign....

Yes, I know this one isn't unique to CA, but I love the imagery... The
message I get from this sign is, "don't use the elevators, because then
you're screwed." But then they have to illustrate it. So what do they
draw? Yes, that's right the fire CHASING this poor guy down the STAIRS.
It's obviously a fire that's bent on killing this guy, so it doesn't
matter how YOU try to get out of the engulfed building because you'll
be just as screwed!

My all-time favorite. They are SERIOUS about this gate. If you are
hysterical and leave the gated area in a excited, vertical
spread-eagle-like position,
like in this picture, you are truly screwed my friend,
because this gate will crush you. You have to love LA; it may be a
crazy city, but at least there warning signs are perfectly frank when
it comes to the consequences of stupid actions...

A lengthy list of hazards on Mt. Lemmon, AZ. Of course, we promptly
U-turned and went this way...

Also found on Mt. Lemmon was this gem. Ahhhhh, just what the doctor
ordered, a prescribed burn to keep those pesky forest fires in check...