C O M P U T E R   E M U L A T I O N
Aaron Kaluszka
14 Dec 2001

Emulation, by definition, is the ambition or endeavor to equal or excel others. In other terms, to emulate means to imitate. Computer emulation is very much a literal definition. Computer emulation in a basic sense is making one computer "act" like another computer. Computer emulation theory has a long history and the applications of computer emulation are far reaching. Within recent years, emulation technology has expanded exponentially and emulators have tread in uncharted territory, both on the technological side, and on the legal side. These pages contain brief focuses on the history, design, applications, and implications of computer emulation. Most of the pages on this website are targeted towards individuals with basic knowledge of computer architecture and programming.

All information not cited comes from first-hand experience in the field.
© 2001, Aaron Kaluszka. All Rights Reserved.
Some images are derivative works of copyrights held by Nintendo, DELL, Apple, and Microsoft.