The Scope is intended to be a natural evolution of notification management. In positioning this product in this significant role, the Requirements Analysis phase was critical to the product's success. In order to solidify the understanding of the focus of the project, the root concept artifact was created.
Then, keeping the stakeholders identified in the root concept in mind, we created interview scripts to so that we could get as much insight as possible into the stakeholders needs. After that, we conducted interviews with stakeholders and a subject matter expert. Additionally, we collected screenshots of current notification systems, which would let us know what users currently deal with and what they might expect from our product. This collection of artifacts provided a strong base for analysis.
Finally, the data gathered was synthesized into a set of problem scenarios and problem claims. The results of interviews were used to generate and personalize scenarios dealing with notification and task management. The screenshots were used to determine the current status quo. These two sets of artifacts together allowed us to resolve pros and cons from the problem scenarios. With this analysis complete, Scope development can move into the activity design phase.